2005-2006 Schedule

  1. 14 September 2005 -  [at Bloomsburg University]- The meeting will consist of a social hour and a dinner followed by Local Section announcements and a presentation by our invited speaker. The guest speaker is Paul J. Chirik and he will present a talk entitled "Nitrogen Fixation with Soluble Transition Metal Complexes.". Get details.

  2. 12 October 2005 - [at Bucknell University]. The meeting will consist of a social hour and a dinner followed by Local Section announcements and a presentation by our invited speaker. The guest speaker is Dr. Elizabeth A. Williams and she will present a talk entitled "NMR Characterization of Polymers." Get details.

  3. 9 November 2005 - [at Marywood University] - The meeting will consist of dinner followed by annoucements and a presentation by our guest speaker. The guest speaker is Professor Ned Heindel and he will present a talk entitled "An Approach to Anti-Alzheimer's Therapeutics: Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase." Get details.

    14 December 2005 - [Executive Board Meeting, at Bloomsburg].

  4. January 2006 - CANCELLED.

  5. 8 February 2006 - [at Merck]. The meeting will consist of dinner followed by annoucements and a presentation by our guest speaker, Daniel Muzzio from Merck and Co. He will present a talk entitled "Chemical Reactivity Evaluation Program Conducted at Merck & Co, Inc." Get Details.

  6. 15 March 2006 - [at Wilkes University].The meeting will consist of dinner followed by announcements and a presentation by our guest speaker, Dr. Greg Peters from Wilkes University. He will present a talk entitled "A Random Walk through the Periodic Table." Get Details.

  7. 5 April 2006 - [at Lycoming College]. The meeting will consist of a dinner followed by announcements and a presentation by our guest speaker, Dr. Jeremy D. Ramsey from Lycoming College. He will present a talk entitled "Integrated Microfluidic Devices for Sample Preparation and High Efficiency Separations." Get Details.

  8. 10 May 2006 - [Annual Awards Banquet at Bloomsburg University]. The event will include a dinner, awards, and the featured speaker is Ronald C. Blatchley who will deliver a talk entitled "Putting on Airs: Joseph Priestley's Chemistry." Get Details.

Special Events

Local Section to Co-host MARM 2006

The Susquehanna Valley Local Section and the Southeastern PA Local Section will co-host the 2006 Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2006) of the American Chemical Society. The meeting is scheduled for June 4 - 7, 2004 at the Hershey Conference Center in Hershey, PA. Those with an interest in serving in any capacity to facilitate the planning and running of the meeting should contact Donald Mencer (mencer@wilkes.edu). The MARM 2006 website is currently under construction, but check often at www.marmacs.org/2006 for updates.

NMR Workshop

The Dept. of Chemistry at Bucknell University warmly invites students and faculty to a one-day symposium on Saturday, 17 September 2005 to recognize the use of NMR in research and curricular experiences for undergraduate students. In particular, we invite student research posters from all disciplines of chemistry that describe research for which NMR was some component of the investigation. For further information please see the web site http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/chemistry/nmr_conf_2005.html or email David Rovnyak (drovnyak@bucknell.edu).

Our Academic Partners

Bloomsburg University Bucknell University King's College Lycoming College Marywood University Misericordia University Penn State Hazleton Penn State Scranton Penn State Wilkes-Barre Susquehanna University University of Scranton Wilkes University


The Susquehanna Valley Section of the American Chemical Society began in 1958 and serves eight counties in PA:

The section provides services for the chemistry professionals, undergraduate chemistry students, and high school students of the area.


If you need more information or would like to submit information, E-mail our Local Section Webmaster at webmaster@svs-acs.org or the National ACS Webmaster.

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